What’s in your box?

What's in your box

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We are all multifaceted individuals who have an array of tools for each eventuality in our lives whether it’s to deal with happiness, sadness, loss, gain, opportunity, threat, promotion, demotion etc…   

 Often job seekers are met with feedback….   

 “You’re not the right fit for what we’re looking for” 
 “I’m sorry, we’re looking for people with more experience” 
 “We’re looking for someone with specialist knowledge”   

 …..or, something to that effect   

Regardless of the response, have you understood the tools you have to offer… or are they referring to new tools you could acquire/invest in?   

 Everyone has the ability to pull out the right tool, in the right circumstance, especially when previous experience has proven that you read the conversation/interview correctly and secured the job..woohoo!

For me, personally, I’ve had to completely change with the times, moulding my career around ever changing communications like phone, laptop and social media…full disclosure, I remember faxing CVs!! haha  

However, if we’re really going there, I built a business, my own database/computer software, website and to date a 100k following… all from scratch!

Do your toolboxes do their job?

CV Toolbox

Scroll over to see if your CV toolbox is doing it’s job properly


You should hear back on your applications, get a quick response from recruiters and get receive interview requests

Personal Brand Toolbox

Scroll over to find out what great profiles will do for you


People who have great personal brands hardly ever have to apply for a job because they get approached regularly
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You may not realise it but social profiles can make or break a job application


Your network sees the added value you provide and approach you with jobs as well as business opportunities
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Job Search Toolbox

This is a rare skill very few job seekers know about, scroll to read

Great Signs

You have a clear understanding of your target market, what they look for and how to appeal to them
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If you’re feeling overwhelmed/scared/are having a few heart palpitations/panicking over where your next salary may come from/ponder, how do I climb the corporate ladder or are reading this thinking, “what the hell does this woman know?”… I’ve genuinely been there!

As confident as I may come across, I have an inner voice, “this feels uncomfortable, are you sure about this Hayley?” 

I have my own tools I need to work on every single day   

 “Full Disclosure”
I feel awkward, I’m on show and I don’t always deal with comments that well 

That being said, I had a meeting this week and I quote….

“I do not want to post any videos of me giving anyone advice! I hate watching me on camera however it scares me, so I know I should do it”

 Some stick in the comfort of what they know, and others see opportunity in the new tools on offer.. however uncomfortable it makes them feel

Whatever makes you uncomfortable…relationships, interviews, social media, sending a stupid looking picture of yourself.. do it!

It doesn’t hurt as much as you think it’s going to, I promise you!

 Changing our mindsets/sharpening our tools can be a daunting, scary and even a painful experience, however….    

Motivational quote

Whatever you’re looking to achieve…career successes, goals or aspirations that are currently out of reach, lets sharpen what is not in your toolbox OR accentuate the tools you have available to you already!  

Tool box contents:  
 Your Cover Letter, your CV, your Social Profiles, your Portfolio, your Successes, Your Brand and YOU!     

How you use ALL of these tools to promote your skills, your experience, your strengths and the unified message you send, sets you apart from not only your “job application” competition but your own “business of one”.  

Let’s build your own personal cheerleading squad, corporate career as well as your own business of one. 

We want to ensure you stay ahead of job searching trends…… yes, there are “trends” in job hunting too

Be kind to yourself

Whether you’re struggling in the current market or are looking to the future and trying to understand how to better yourself now or years to come, be honest with yourself: 

  • Are you presenting yourself in the best way possible?
  • Do you have a backup “toolbox” if one isn’t performing well?
  • Do you know what your unique selling points are and how to promote yourself to your full potential?

If you have answered “No” to any of the above the best course of action is to do what’s right for you and your future. Invest in yourself and learn new skills to better yourself in the years to come


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