Tools to stand out in your job search

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When applying for a job, you don’t just want to stand out: You want the hiring manager to single you out as the best applicant they have ever seen. You know you are the perfect person for the job and you want them to know that too!!

So, how do you do that? We have put together some job search advice to get you on the road to finding your dream job. 

Get noticed before you apply!

  1. The fastest route to securing an interview is when someone you know has made a referral. So, get networking with all your ex-colleagues, current colleagues, friends, acquaintances etc. 
  2. Recruiters spend hours on LinkedIn building their brand and searching for high-performers. Spend time to optimise your LinkedIn profile so that you rank higher in searches.
  3. Create a winning portfolio of work. There’s nothing more enticing to a hiring manager than a collection of notable projects that proves you would be a valuable asset to a business.  
  4. Get recommendations! Recruiters will often highlight glowing references to hiring managers, spend some time sourcing some of your own great references to add to your LinkedIn page and CV. 

Create a winning CV and Cover letter

  1. Use facts and figures in your CV so that hiring managers can really picture what level of worked you needed to apply to come to this achievement. 
  2. When composing your introduction remember that the hiring manager is going to be reading a lot of them (which they probably don’t enjoy as it takes time away from their real job). Create something that’s full of personality and sets the scene for what it would be like to work with you. You want them to think “I’d love to work with this person, they seem really to be around”.
  3. If you have ever been in a position to recruit you’ll know that most CVs are boring, design a CV that reflects your industry and skill. We’ve seen job seekers turn their CVs into bright info-graphics, more like a marketing campaign which are far more interesting to read.
  4. Make a clear connection between what the company needs and your specific skills and accomplishments. 
  5. Video CVs are becoming more popular and really distinguish yourself from your competitors. 
  6. You are more likely to get a response from a hiring manager if you personalise your introduction rather than addressing it to “Dear hiring manager” or “Dear Sir”. 
  7. Don’t feel tied to sticking to what you think is expected from a CV. If you are using language like “results driven” or “proven track record” make better use of that space and supply clear measurables of what you can do for a business.

first impressions count

  1. The person on the front desk may not be the decision maker but that doesn’t mean their opinion doesn’t matter. Some hiring managers actively seek their opinion on your demeanour while waiting for your interview to commence. 
  2. One Fortune 500 CEO reported to be torn between two interviewees and in the end it came down to their handshake!! It might sound a bit extreme but he’s not alone in this. It would appear a firm handshake wins every time but not too firm.
  3. Practice your body language and your introduction, make eye contact, smile, state your name and wait for the person to say their name to you. Make sure to use their name in conversation so you a) remember it, which can be tricky if you are nervous b) to appear and sincere in the conversation.
  4. Imitating certain behaviours and even attitudes can help make a fast connection in your interview. It’s called “mirroring” and it works. 
  5. Use figures, percentages, increases, or quotas to help explain to a hiring manager why you are awesome. Don’t fall into the trap of just saying “I increased sales” use sentences like “by implementing [X] we boosted revenue by 75%” for example. 
  6. When in your interview use the S-T-A-R method, explain the situation, task, action and result to set the scene of what the hiring manager is to expect when they employ you. 
  7. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are presented with a difficult question. The interviewer is really looking for how well you can think on your feet. 
  8. If you know someone at the company naturally bring their name into conversation. 

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