
CV + LinkedIn






What you’ll get in the Pro package

Pro Package +

Grade your LinkedIn on Pro Bundle

Grade your LinkedIn

Find out your true LinkedIn ranking and how you fair against your competition as well as ways to improve it.

Optimise your LinkedIn profile on pro bundle

Optimise your LinkedIn

Linkedin is one of THE most under utilised social media platforms. Out of their 630 million users only 1 million use it for it’s intended purpose. An optimised LinkedIn profile generates inbound job opportunities as well as ranks your profile higher on LinkedIn, Google and other web search sites which all culminates to making it easier for recruiters, HR teams and employers to find you and approach you with positions. We’ll take you on a video tour of how to do this

LinkedIn CheckList on Pro Bundle

LinkedIn checklist

To make it simple for you we have provided a checklist so that you can build your personal brand and direct more traffic and interest to your profile


No delay, let’s start today!


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