Job Search & Career Coaching Platform

AE Marketplace

AE Recruitment Black and Orange

Would you like to advertise your profile on AE Recruitment so that you can stand out to hiring managers? Grabbing a hiring manager’s attention is a skill so we have created a free course for you to learn how to construct your advert.

The course content is designed to teach you how to create a powerful message within your advert and to give you some insights in to what encourages a hiring manager to choose you! 



Stage 1


AE Marketplace introduction in Apple Mac Transparent

This course contains 14, easy to follow, lessons and modules where you will be required to answer a series of questions in order to build a picture of you and your expertise.


Stage 2


We have provided a step by step guide in how to construct your advert so that you stand out, give the hiring manager all the information they need to take action and request your profile.

Stage 3


Our team will add your profile to AE Recruitment’s website so that hiring managers can perform a search and select your profile. 

Once we have a request for your details you will be notified immediately and we shall go about arranging your interview.


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