You’ve applied to hundreds of jobs but not heard back, sound familiar? You’re not alone, there’s a constant, unspoken friction between job seekers and recruiters. I genuinely believe neither party are at fault when it comes to job applications however it does need to be addressed, so here goes….
Recruiters Day
The average recruiter will have around 50 live jobs at any one time. If you look at statistics online, they state that there’s an average of 250 applications per job however looking at our jobs they range between 180 – 600 applications. I’m going to break that down into figures:
- 180 x 50 = 9,000 CVs
- 250 x 50 = 12,500 CVs
- 600 x 50 = 30,000 CVs
So, a recruiter will have anywhere between 9-30,000 CVs to go through… Whoa!!
I would say we receive around 150-200 emails a day on top of that and have to find & manage new clients and candidates to fill those roles. It’s a massively admin intensive job
Job Seekers’ Frustration
We all know that the main frustration for job seekers is that they don’t hear back from recruiters or employers and I don’t blame them. However, hopefully for anyone reading this, you can see why?
I’ve also heard people say to me that recruiters are purposefully not choosing them and that just simply isn’t true. I think every recruiter would love nothing more than to place everyone that crosses their path.. we’d all be millionaires for a start but that’s not realistic
What’s the way forward?
If you’re a job seeker and are having a hard time finding a position understand that there’s thousands of you in the same position and hundreds of you applying for the same job. I’m not saying this for you to get disheartened, I’m saying it to get a bit of fire and drive going. How much do you want this job? How much do you want to climb the corporate ladder? How do you want others to view you? How much do you want a payrise? What’s your dream and how are you going to get there? Know that EVERYTHING is achievable!
So now I’ve got that fire in your belly going, the most productive place to start is with your CV:
- Are you presenting yourself in the very best way you can?
- Is it a compelling read and have you backed up your statements with evidence of your passion/drive/ creativity, etc?
- What message are you trying to send?
- If you’re applying for a job that needs “planning experience” for example, does your CV contain planning experience? (Recruiters are not mind readers, if it’s not in your CV, as far as we’re concerned it never happened)
These might seem like silly points to make however out of the 1,000s of applications we receive there is always at least one person who shows and proves why they’re right for that particular job. Their CV stands out like a beacon of light because of how they’ve articulated their career history and put so much care and attention into presenting the very best version of themselves. They have an acute awareness of their personal brand and how they will be perceived… actually, I’m going to say that again…
“They have an acute awareness of their personal brand and how they will be perceived”
In short, if your CV is rather lacklustre, it reads that way. So, if you’re looking at your CV after reading this article and thinking “she may have a point here”! Go and watch a comedy on TV or have a laugh with friends, do anything to get yourself in a happy mood and rewrite your CV, portfolio and LinkedIn profile in a positive mindset. Believe me it makes all the difference!
If this article helps just one person, my work here is done! However, if you’re still struggling with your job search and would like some one on one help please take a look at Employable Me or Employable Designer