We often compare Interviews with Dating, apparently therapists also believe that being jilted by a prospective employer can lead us to depression as if we were jilted by a prospective lover! Job searching is incredibly draining and time consuming so any type of rejection can leave you feeling depressed however if you prepare for it and take control of what may or may not happen you’ll be able to bounce back a lot quicker.
1. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
It’s very easy to get excited when you’ve found the perfect job description or you’ve been called in for an interview at your dream company however it’s not certain you will be chosen. Keep up momentum, keep applying for other jobs and don’t pin your hopes on one company.
2. It’s an employers market
So, you’ve got an interview, they must like your CV however you haven’t secured the job yet. Never walk into an interview thinking that it’s time for the employer to impress you. This is the time that you need to be able to convey how you can help them not how they can help you. Right now it’s an “employers market”, this means that in most sectors there are few jobs and a lot of job seekers so don’t squander an interview opportunity.
3. Feedback
Always ask for feedback from an interview but don’t expect it. Unfortunately employers don’t always offer feedback which can leave you in the lurch. If you don’t hear back from an employer within a couple of weeks you may have to accept that you were probably not the right fit for the position. Accept the reality we don’t always get what we want and move on. It’s very easy to play the blame game but that isn’t going to find you a job. Dust yourself off and keep going, the more resilient you are the quicker.
4. Focus on the future.
When we’re rejected humans do have a habit of focusing on the negatives rather than the positives. We talk about and relive the experience over and over again, STOP! This kind of behaviour is going to make you feel depressed, instead focus on what you can be doing.
5. You are not alone.
Over 97% of job applications end with a rejection so many more people are rejected than you realise. Once you accept this you can focus on the next opportunity and the next chance to land that job.
6. Stay Positive
If you are constantly thinking “I’m never going to get a job” then you’ll probably be right. When someone is overly down about their situation everyone around them picks up on it too and there’s a snow ball effect. Change that frown upside down and give yourself a higher chance. Positivity is infectious so be kind to yourself and look for the positives that come your way, however small they are.