Graham Armstrong
Corporate & Employee Trainer
“Alreet pet” as we would say up north in Newcastle. It’s nothing fancy, just our very own way of greeting someone you know, or even a friendly face you don’t know. Let’s just call it a warm hello from me to you. I’m Graham.
You know, it’s funny what path we choose as we set out on our life journey, the feeling of being unsure of what road to take. I still remember leaving high school like it was yesterday, looking at what options were available as we entered the big world of adulthood. We were faced with immediate choices; work or further education? So many options that could possibly pave the way for our future.
For me, I was always fascinated by aviation and those glittering lights you would see on the runway as you jetted off on your summer holidays. Not to mention those glamorous flight attendants who would be looking after your safety at 38,000 feet. Well 14 years ago I decided to join the mile high club and set out to travel the world. Over the years I have come to realise that it wasn’t just aviation or travelling I had a passion for, but the passion for people. My journey has led me to the United Arab Emirates, where I have been working as a Senior Crew Member and Corporate Trainer for the past 7 years. I have been part of a dynamic and vibrant team who launched and delivered empowering training courses to customer facing employees across the business globally.
My role involved facilitating leadership and development courses to onboard Cabin Managers and Cabin Seniors by means of motivational coaching, leadership development and performance management, while focusing on thriving as opposed to just surviving. Whether that be in the air, or on the ground. I would challenge the onboard managers on their current leadership style through real life examples and questioning while exploring their own corporate paradigms.
My Moto is to always lead with cheer rather than fear, keep an open mind and always be open to your own personal learning and development.